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Ridikzappa 8:36 Fri May 25
Tommy Robinson
Tommy Robinson has just been sentenced to jail for 13 months for reporting today outside a court where another ‘Asian’ pedo rape-gang are on trial.

There is a UK reporting ban. No one there is allowed to talk about a certain ideology.


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mike hunt 1:26 Fri Aug 3
Re: Tommy Robinson
takashii mike

riosleftsock 10:42 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
Everything is policed now apart from crime.

Brent, it wasn't just the speed of process (celerity), it was the incorrect process, lack of evidence produced, no detail as to what form his video feed was in contempt.

If you read the judgment, the original judge has been absolutely torn a new one.

The original judge simply didn't like Robinson, neither did Leveson who was supposed to hear the appeal but went on radio proclaiming Robinson's guilt so was pulled.

The judiciary is so highly politicised and is barely fit for purpose as it can not hold the public trust.

w4hammer 7:16 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
Capitol Man 3:00 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
w4hammer 2:39 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson

Reporting restrictions were in place over the case.


still doesnt explain why there were reporting restrictions

Takashi Miike 4:35 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
i saw his brief video and he never mentioned being tortured. he did say he was put in solitary, but no mention of torture

Golden Oldie 4:32 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
He looks perfectly fine, he actually looks health for once.
He was pretty fat before he went into prison. So he either used the the free time he had to use the gym facility or the diet in prison isn't meant to sustain the gluttonous diet he was used to on the outside.
Or as many suspect he was whisked off to a health spa during the states agit-prop of the famous Tommy Robinson, free speech advocate, freedom fighter or most commonly known as the race war agitator for ZOG

After the "THEY'RE TRYING TO GET HIM STABBED BY A P**I IN PRISON" narrative failed yet again after he was freed safe and sound for the FOURTH time, the new narrative is that they tortured him.
Oy vey, the persecutions

Aren't even the prole goys who this bollocks is aimed at tired of this agit-prop shit yet?

Takashi Miike 4:29 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
he didn't look very tanned in the pictures i saw, clearly taken months ago or photoshopped :.)

13 Brentford Rd 4:27 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
How did he fit a holiday in between being released and today?

Golden Oldie 4:24 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
Rabbi Media have an interview up just now with Tommeh Stephen Yaxley-Lennon Robinson.
Fresh haircut reveals his tan line, the video is so deliberately poorly lit to try and hide it so it can fade in the next week.

Any guesses which resort our Tommy and family stayed in?
Mine is the israeli Mediterranean coast.

Golden Oldie 3:28 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
Coffee 2:26 Thu Aug 2
I matters to this discourse because you take umbrage at evidence to support every word I wrote in the midst of ignorance and out-and-out lies or did you choke on your "kosher tea" and hit the keyboard by mistake?

Northern Sold 3:16 Thu Aug 2

Great minds think alike it seems

13 Brentford Rd 3:28 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
He could still get up to a 2 year sentence for contempt.
The appeal judges have only ruled that his original trial
was not valid as it should not have been conducted on the same day as the offence.
Many on here were saying at the time that it seemed odd that he was tried immediately, how does a judge not know this?

Northern Sold 3:16 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
Coffee 2:26 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
Golden Oldie, I trust you're using a VPN?


BRANDED 3:09 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
Four legs good, two legs bad

BRANDED 3:07 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson

Coffee 2:32 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson


But wealth crosses borders. These are not really nationalists. They just want to control wealth and the systems that do that for them. Its not tin hatty. Just look who the mega rich are and what they do.

Capitol Man 3:00 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
w4hammer 2:39 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson

Reporting restrictions were in place over the case.

Takashi Miike 2:46 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
the grass is still posting

w4hammer 2:39 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
I have no truck with Tommy Robinson nor do I with Cliff Richard

I do find it strange that the BBc went with a stor and went to court to defend their right to invade the privacy and "by Association" guilt for a man who hadnt even been charged ( and are still appealing the outcome)

Contrast this with what appears is TR either as a media outlet or even as an individual ( althought what differenec does that amke) highlighting that a case was going on, with defendants that were not on remand or subject to anonymity ( as far as Im aware) Ive seen MSM outlets every day outside southwark etc when jonathan king, stuart hall etc have been doing the same.

Im no legal expert, I dont support TR, however what the actual fuck is going on here, apart from providing him and his followers the oxygen of publicity- along with a sense that the ""establishment" " are protecting kiddie fiddlers on the back of not wanting to prove their multicuralism ideal is dead in the fucking water?!

Coffee 2:32 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
BRANDED 2:29 Thu Aug 2

You mean politicians in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia, Israel, Northern Ireland and the USA, for example?

BRANDED 2:29 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
What I find amazing is that people arent prepared to consider that the very powerful might be absolute fucking cunts.
Lets assume these powerful people can use religion and politics to divide the vast majority of the rest of us for their benefit.

Coffee 2:26 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
Golden Oldie, I trust you're using a VPN?

Golden Oldie 2:25 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
"That's a lot of secret Zionists/Talmudists to get angry about! Hahahaha"
Indeed it is, and you haven't even begun to compute the angry backlash it'll inevitably get, as it has done countless times before

Lee Trundle 2:17 Thu Aug 2
Re: Tommy Robinson
This could get interesting.

Golden Oldie is about with southwoodford.

The site could could down for a few days again...

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